Monday, September 17, 2007

Cool kid update (No. 2)

Ahem... cool kid coming through. Well I assure you its going to take a lot more than a knife roll (or satchel) to make me a cool kid. But I purchased one, and I put all of my knives in it, and quite frankly, I think its going to save me a lot of hassle.

I bought a Wusthof 8 pocket knife roll. It was on sale for $30 plus a 10% discount with my student ID. It came out to $30 including tax. That's pretty good, and it looks pretty sleek, and its pretty high quality.

So hopefully it will make my life easier, and bring me a few steps closer to cool-dom. I'll let you know if it works. (I also bought a better vegetable peeler, with a swiveling blade and a digital scale. Gettin' there...)

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